

EVENT 1: “The Skill Gauntlet”

10 Minute Timecap, 2 Scores

Objective is to accumulate as many points as possible in each skill. There are 5 skills and athletes will have the choice to do any version of each skill during the 2 minutes. The clock will run continuously and every 2 minutes the athletes will switch skills. The more difficult skills will be worth more points.

Each of the 5 events will be scored separately and we will take the aggregate total for the divisions and rank the top athlete per division. This means that you can do well on one event and do poorly in another but this will be treated like a separate competition. At the end, you will be ranked on how well you did overall and given 1 score.


  • Athletes must go in order from Station 1 to Station 5, each being 2 minutes with no rest in between.
  • Once an athlete attempts a version of each skill, they MAY NOT attempt any other skill that is worth more points. This means that if an athlete chooses to perform a movement worth 3 points, they MAY NOT attempt a version of the same skill worth 5 points. Example: Athlete cannot start on regular rope climbs and then attempt a legless rope climb.

STATION 1: Rope Skill

-Seated L-Sit Legless Climbs to 15′: 5 Points Per Rep

-Legless Rope Climbs to 15′: 3 Points Per Rep

-Rope Climb to 15′: 1 Point Per Rep

STATION 2: Ring Skill

-Back Uprise on Rings: 5 Points Per Rep

-Butterfly Muscle Up on Rings: 3 Points Per Rep

-Standard Ring Muscle Up: 1 Point Per Rep

-Toes Through Rings: .25 Points Per Rep

STATION 3: Jumprope Skill

-Triple Unders: 5 Points Per Rep

-Backwards Single Skips: 2 Points Per Rep

-Double Unders: 1 Point Per Rep

-Heavy Rope Single Forward Skips: .25 Points Per Rep (with Outlaw 120 Rope)

STATION 4: Pistol Skill

-Barbell OH Pistols (45/35): 5 Points Per Rep

-Weighted Pistols (35/25): 3 Points Per Rep

-Standard Pistol: 1 Point Per Rep

-OH Weighted Lunges (35/25): .25 Points Per Rep

STATION 5: Handstand Skill

-30 Second Freestanding Handstand Hold: 10 Points

-Freestanding Handstand Pushup: 3 Points Per Rep

-Handstand Walk: 1 Point Per 10 Feet

-Bear Crawl: .25 Points per 10 Feet


L-Sit Legless Rope Climb

Athletes start in the seated position with legs straight out. The athlete climbs the rope with just their hands and their feet must always be even with or higher than the hips on the ascent of the climb. Knees do not have to be locked out on the ascent but feet must be at or above hips. The athlete will then touch the crossmember at top with one hand and may then use legs on the way down. VIDEO HERE

Legless Rope Climb 

Athletes will climb the rope without the assistance of their legs. They will touch the top crossmember with one hand and may descend using their legs.

Rope Climb

In the rope climb, the athlete ascends the rope to touch the cross beam at the top. Jumping up to begin each ascent is permitted. On the descent, the athlete does not have to show control but it is highly recommended to be under control here.

Back Uprise on Rings

Watch this VIDEO to see how to do this.

Butterfly Muscle Ups on Rings

Watch this VIDEO to see how to do this.

Ring Muscle-Up

In the muscle-up, you must begin with, or pass through, a hang below the rings with arms fully extended (with or without a “false grip”) and the feet off the ground.

At the top, the elbows must be fully locked out while supporting yourself above the rings. Kipping the muscle-up is acceptable, but swings or rolls to support are not permitted. If consecutive kipping muscle-ups are performed, a change of direction below the rings is required. If the heels rise above the bottom of the rings during the kip, it is a no rep.

Toes Through Rings

Athlete starts hanging from the rings with the feet off the ground. They will then have each foot pass through each ring at the same time. At the bottom, the feet will pass back behind the rings.

Jumprope Skills

Athletes should be able to know/understand all of these movements.

OH Weighted Pistol with Barbell (45/35)

Athletes will hold a male or female barbell over their head with their hands inside the main collars. See below for pistol standards.

Weighted Pistol

Athletes will hold a 35lb (Males) or 25lb (Females) Slam Ball for weighted pistols. See below for pistol standards.

Pistol (one legged squat)

Athletes must alternate legs after each repetition. If at any point they cannot complete a repetition on a leg, they cannot alternate legs until a repetition has been completed on that leg. The one-legged squat begins and ends with the athlete standing and the hip fully open, knee fully locked out on the squatting leg, and foot on the white number. The hip must pass below parallel at the bottom of the repetition, and the opposite foot (non-supporting leg) cannot touch the ground until the repetition is completed. The non-supporting foot must be in front of the supporting foot during the entire repetition. You may hold the foot of the opposite (non-supporting) leg with your hand while performing the one-legged squat. 

Overhead Weighted Lunge (35/25)

Athletes will hold a slam ball over their head and perform alternating forward lunges. The athletes knee must touch the ground and they will stand back up, fully extended. The slam ball may not fall below the top of the head nor may it touch the head. These are not walking lunges.

Handstand Hold (Freestanding)

Athletes will hold a freestanding handstand within a 6×4 foot space for 30 seconds continuously. The judge will tell them when the time is up. They may attempt this as many times as desired within the 2 minutes if they fail. If they complete a 30 second hold, they will be forced to move on to another movement.

Freestanding Handstand Pushup

  • Athlete must get to a fully inverted, handstand position

    • Athlete may start from headstand position, but the repetition will not begin until Athlete first reaches a fully inverted, handstand position

    • Athlete may position feet and legs in any manner, so long as they do not touch the ground

  • Athlete must lower body vertically until the head touches the ground/mat

  • The repetition is counted when Athlete returns to a fully vertical handstand position by kipping or by pressing up until arms are fully locked out while demonstrating vertical control

Handstand Walk (1 Point per 10 Foot Increment)

  • Athlete must achieve an inverted position, supporting bodyweight entirely on the hands

  • While demonstrating control in the inverted position, Athlete must advance a designated distance while using only the hands to walk forward

  • Where Athlete returns the feet to the ground in the rear plane, Athlete’s forward progress is marked where the rearmost foot makes ground contact

  • Where Athlete returns the feet to the ground in the forward plane, Athlete’s forward progress is marked where the rearmost hand last makes ground contact

  • If Athlete dismounts before the time period expires, Athlete’s forward progress will resume with the hands starting at the rearmost point of contact with the ground



(In memory of Kristopher A. Garza)

Part 1

7 Mins On Assault Bike OR C2 Rower for Max Cals

2 Minute Break

Part 2

7 Mins On C2 Rower OR Assault Bike for Max Cals

Description of Event

Individuals will be notified the morning of the competition what order they will do the bike and the rower.

There will be 2 scored parts to this workout. Score 1 will ALWAYS be the Cals on the Assault Bike and Score 2 will ALWAYS be the Cals on the Rower, no matter the order completed.

act-logo-heavy-handed Individual Event 3: “Heavy Handed”

Max Hang Cleans in 90 seconds with Deadlift Tiebreaker

<90 Second Break To Adjust Weights>
Then Immediately Into

act-logo-bar-buffetIndividual Event 4: “The Bar Buffet”

AMRAP in 7 Minutes

15 Front Squats
15 Pullups
15 Power Snatches
15 Toes to Bar



Event 3: “Heavy Handed”

On 3,2,1, Go, the athletes will perform as many Hang Cleans in 90 Seconds for max reps. In the event the athlete decides to quit or can no longer do any more, they may perform as many deadlifts as possible for a tiebreak score. Example of scoring: Athlete performs 12 Hang Cleans and then 23 deadlifts: Score of 12.23.

<There will be a 90 Second Break for the athlete to change out the weights themselves.>

Event 4: “The Bar Buffet”

On 3,2,1, Go, the athletes will complete the 7 Minute AMRAP in the order above. If they finish the Toes to Bar, they will start over from the beginning. The score will be the number of total reps completed in the 7 minutes.


Collars on the barbells must be used for both events.
Females will use female barbells and Males will release male barbells.


Hang Clean

The Hang Clean may be a Power Clean, Full (Squat) Clean, Split Clean, Muscle Clean. Each repetition starts from at or above the knee. The bar must be cleaned to the shoulders in one motion. Each repetition finishes with the bar racked on the shoulders and the elbows clearly in front of the bar with the hips and knees fully extended.


This is a traditional deadlift with the hands outside the knees. Sumo deadlifts are not allowed. Starting at the floor, the barbell is lifted until hips and knees reach full extension with the shoulders behind the bar. The arms must be straight throughout. The athlete must deadlift with both feet on the correct white numbers in order for the reps to count.

Deliberate bouncing of the barbell is not allowed. Dropping the barbell after the completion of the repetition is permitted. Hitching is permitted, as long as full extension of the knees and hips is eventually reached.

Pull-Up/Chest to Bar Pull Up

This is a standard pull-up. Dead hang, kipping or butterfly pull-ups are allowed, as long as all the requirements are met. The arms must be fully extended at the bottom. At the top, the chin must break the horizontal plane of the bar.
This is a standard chest-to-bar pull-up. Any style of pull-up is permitted, as long as all the requirements are met. The arms must be fully extended at the bottom. At the top, the chest (any point below the clavicle) must clearly come into contact with the bar.

Power Snatch

The power snatch begins on the ground, and the barbell is brought overhead in one smooth motion. The barbell must come to full lockout overhead with the hips, knees and arms fully extended, and the bar directly over the body. Touch-and-go is permitted. No bouncing. Split snatches and muscle snatches are permitted as long as they meet the movement requirements.

Toes To Bar

In the toes-to-bar, the athlete must go from a full hang to having the toes touch the pull-up bar. Both feet must be in contact with the bar at the same time, inside the hands. The arms and hips must be fully extended at the bottom, and the feet must be brought back behind the bar and behind the body.

Front Squat

In the front squat, the barbell must be held in the front rack position. At the bottom, the crease of the hips must pass below the height of the kneecap. At the top, the knees and hips must be completely open with the barbell in control. A full squat clean will count as a repetition as long as all the above requirements are met.

EVENT 5: “Shoulder Pain”

For Time, 4 Minute Timecap

15 Bar Facing Burpees
40 Shoulder to Overhead
15 Bar Facing Burpees
*Using Rogue Stubby Axle Bar


On 3,2,1, Go the athletes will begin from the starting mat and run to the Axle Bar. They will complete their burpees and then they will advance their bar down the lane. They will then complete their Shoulder to Overhead and then will advance their bar down the lane. Once they have advanced their bar down the lane, they will complete the final bar facing burpees. They will then run down the lane and stand on the finish point.


Bar Facing Burpees

Each burpee must be performed perpendicular to and facing the barbell. The athletes’ heads cannot be over the barbell.  They must then jump over the barbell from both feet and land on two feet. One-footed jumping, landing or stepping over is not permitted.

Shoulder to Overhead

Each rep begins with the axle on the shoulders. The rep finishes with the weight fully locked out overhead centered over the middle of the body. A shoulder press, push press, push jerk or split jerk may be used, as long as the elbow, shoulder, hips and knees are fully extended, and the axle finishes directly over the body with the feet in line. The axle will begin on the ground and there will be no racks.