
Team Rx Event 1: “Suerte Fuerte”

AMRAP in 6 Mins:

M/F Team 1 (SCORE 1)

15 Synchro Toes to Bar

15 Power Snatches @95 (Female)

15 Synchro Bar Facing Burpees

4 Alternating Rope Climbs to 15 feet

15 Power Snatches @135 (Male)

15 Synchro Bar Facing Burpees

15 Synchro Chest to Bar Pullups


6 Mins For Time:

M/F Team 2 (SCORE 2)

15 Synchro Toes to Bar

30 OH Squats @95 (Female)

2 Alternating Rope Climbs to 15 Feet

30 Synchro Bar Facing Burpees

2 Alternating Rope Climbs

30 OH Squats @135 (Male)

15 Synchro Chest to Bar Pullups

Run to Mat


Pullup Bar (females will have a step or can be lifted up by partner)

15KG Female Barbell

20KG Male Barbell

15 Foot Rope


Teams will divide into 2 Male/Female Partnerships. Males will use male barbells and females will use female barbells. There are 2 separate scores for this event.

On 3,2,1, Go, a Male/Female partnership will begin and complete the above work as an AMRAP. They will start on the mat.

Once completed, there will be a short break (max time 2 minutes) and then the second Male/Female partnership will begin their workout FOR TIME. This workout will start and end on the mat. Athletes must run back to the mat for the time to end.


On 3,2,1, Go, the 1st M/F partnership will complete the movements in order before the 2 minute break in an AMRAP fashion. This means that if they complete the workout, they will start over from the beginning until time runs out.

Their score will be the total amount of reps completed in 6 minutes. There will be a short break (max time 2 minutes) before the next partnership begins.


On 3,2,1, Go, the 2nd M/F partnership will complete the movements in order. This workout will be done FOR TIME.

Their score will be the total time it took to complete the workout. If they do not complete it, their score will be 6 Minutes plus any remaining reps they have not completed.

Please refer to our MOVEMENT STANDARDS page for details on each movement.

Rx Team Event 2: “The Ol’ Ball and Chain”

12 Minutes Total Time, 4 Scores

Score 1:

M/M Team

5 Minute Row for max meters

Score 2:

F/F Team

AMRAP in 5 Minutes

3 OTS Throws (60lb Slamball) + 30 Double Unders

2 Min Break- Teams Switch

Score 3:

F/F Team

5 Minute Row for max meters

Score 4:

M/M Team

AMRAP in 5 Mins

3 OTS Throws (100lb Slamball) + 30 Double Unders


Teams will divide into 2 Same Gender Partnerships. There are 2 separate 5 minute AMRAP’s There are 4 separate scores for this event. Athletes will bring their own jumpropes.

Scores 1 and 2:

On 3,2,1, Go, both partnerships will begin at the same time. The M/M team will complete a 5 minute row for max meters on the C2 Rower for Score 1. The athlete rowing will get off the rower and tag their partner who will be standing 10 feet away. The athlete waiting will not move toward the rower until they are tagged.

The F/F partnership will begin their AMRAP at the same time. Each athlete will complete 3 Over The Shoulder Throws and 30 Double Unders. They will then tag their partner and she will complete 3 OTS Throws and 30 Double Unders. This will go back and forth until time runs out. Athletes must switch out in between rounds. The athlete working will tag their partner who will be standing 10 feet away. The athlete waiting will not move toward the slam ball until they are tagged. Score 2 is the total amount of reps completed.

Scores 3 and 4:

There will be a 2 minute break and the athletes will switch. The females will row and the males will complete the couplet. The same rules apply here. Score 3 is the female row and score 4 is the male couplet.

Rules for Partner Rowing:

  • Both athletes must row a minimum of 100 meters.
  • Only one athlete can touch the rower at a time.
  • Damper setting and foot pad setting do not matter.
  • Athletes will tag each other in and out.

Please refer to our MOVEMENT STANDARDS page for details on each movement.

Event 3: “Team Tension”


For Time: 14 Minute Timecap

40 Ring Muscle Ups (no minimum work required) while 3 teammates hang from pullup bar

60 Front Squats (15 each) – while 1 teammate holds barbell in front rack

80 Shoulder to OH (20 each) – while 1 teammate holds barbell in front rack

100 Deadlifts (25 each) – while 1 teammate Deadlift holds

Run to Finish Mat

Weights: (155/105)

Equipment Used

Rings for Muscle Up

Pull Up Bar to Hang On

Men’s Barbell (for dudes only)

Women’s Barbell (for ladies only)


Men will only use men’s barbells. Females will only use female barbells. This workout is “For Time” and there is 1 score. Teams will start on the starting mat and end on the finishing mat. Unfinished reps will be added to the final time.

On 3,2,1, Go, the team will move from the starting mat to the rig. 3 athletes will hang from the pull up bar while 1 athlete completes Ring Muscle Ups. There is no minimum work requirement for each athlete for the Ring Muscle Ups. One athlete can do all the work if desired. The remaining three athletes must be hanging on the pullup bar with feet off the ground in order for the muscle ups to count.

The team will then complete 60 Front Squats. Each athlete must complete 15 in a row before the next athlete can go. They do not have to be unbroken reps, they just need to be completed. The order does not matter. While one athlete is working, either OPPOSITE SEX athlete will hold their respective barbell in the front rack hold.

The team will then complete 80 Shoulder to OH. Each athlete must complete 20 in a row before the next athlete may go. There is no order for this movement. While one athlete is working, either OPPOSITE SEX athlete will hold their respective barbell in the front rack hold.

The team will then complete 100 Deadlifts, one athlete at a time. Each athlete must complete 25 in a row before the next athlete can go. There is no order for this movement. While one athlete is working, either OPPOSITE SEX athlete will hold their respective barbell in the deadlift hold.

Once all work is completed, the team will run to the finish mat. The time is marked when the last athlete reaches the mat.

Please refer to our MOVEMENT STANDARDS page for details on each movement.