Intermediate/Sub-Masters/Masters Divisions
Download Intermediate/Sub-Masters/Masters Division Requirements
The Basics
- Experienced Competitor
- Does all Open workouts Rx
- Can perform all basic CrossFit movements
- Able to complete 3-4 workouts in 1 day
- Zero to minimum ROM limitations
- Able to run, row, jump, bike without injury
Gymnastics/Skill/Bodyweight Movements
- Pull-ups, Toes to Bar, Toes through Rings
- Chest to Bar, Ring/Bar MU (LIMITED AMOUNT of these)
- Rope Climb 15’ (LIMITED AMT for 45+)
- HSPU’s (LIMITED AMT for 45+)
- HS Walk (LIMITED AMT for 45+)
- Wall Balls (20/14) to a 10 foot target
- Double Unders
- Pistols may be asked for 35+
Barbell Movements
- Power Snatch/Snatch 115/85
- Power Clean/Clean to OH 135/95
- Deadlift 185/125
- Thruster/Shoulder to OH 95/65
- OH Squat 115/85
- Athletes may be asked to find a max lift
- Please note that the description above is not a comprehensive list of what movements to expect but a general guide to help athletes know what to reasonably expect.
- We will scale appropriately and intelligently for Masters athletes in 45 and 50+ Divisions. We will scale down weights/reps/movements for these divisions when necessary.