Individual Rx Online Event
“5 Rep Max Backsquat”
- The online event in ONLY for Rx Individuals. No other Individual athlete needs to complete an online workout.
- This event must be captured on video and uploaded through YouTube or Vimeo and submitted HERE by 10/10/16 @9pm CST.
- The athlete must submit in pounds, not kilos.
- Athletes will take the weight off a rack.
- Collars do not have to be used.
- Athlete will first introduce themselves by stating their first and last name
- Athletes will announce their weight attempted before they lift
- Athletes will then prove the weight on the bar by showing the weights with the camera along with male or female barbell
- Athletes will then perform a 5RM Backsquat
- ONLY 1 SUBMISSION per athlete. Do not submit multiple times.
In the back squat, the barbell must be held behind the neck on the athlete’s shoulders or back. At the bottom, the crease of the hips must pass below the height of the kneecap. At the top, the knees and hips must be completely open with the barbell in control.
SUBMIT SCORE HERE by 10/10/2016 at 9pm CST