EVENT 1: “Assault and Battery”
2 Scores, 12 Minutes Total Time
3 Minute Time Cap
Athlete 1
20 Cals On Assault Bike
10 Ground to OH (125)
20 Chest to Bar Pullups
Run to Finish Mat
<1 Minute Break>
AMRAP in 8 Minutes
Athlete 2:
20 Chest to Bar Pullups
10 Ground to OH (125)
20 Cals On Assault Bike
Tag Athlete 3
Athlete 3:
20 Cals On Assault Bike
10 Ground to OH (125)
20 Chest to Bar Pullups
Tag Athlete 2
Both Athletes Run to Barbell
AMRAP Synchronized Bar Facing Burpees in remaining time
Assault Air Bike
Women’s Barbell
Pull Up Bar
There are 2 scores for this event. Athlete 1 will complete the first part for one score and the 2 remaining athletes will complete the second part for the other score. Score 1 is For Time and Score 2 is scores as an AMRAP.
Athlete 1 will begin standing behind the Air Assault Bike, turned off. On 3,2,1 GO, they will sit on the bike and begin pedaling to complete 20 Cals. Once completed, they will run down their lane and complete 10 Ground to OH. Once completed, they will run to the rig and complete 20 Chest to Bar Pull Ups. Once completed, they will run to the finish mat. The score is the time the athlete finishes on the mat. If the athlete does not finish, their score will be any remaining reps not completed. There are 51 total reps in this event. The run to the mat is the last rep.
There will then be a 1 Minute Break. During this time, teams need to reset the Assault Bike. This is not the judges responsibility.
Athlete 2 will begin on the starting mat. On 3,2,1, GO, they will run to the Pull Up rig and complete 20 Chest to Bar Pullups. Once complete, they will make their way down the lane and complete 10 Ground to OH. Once complete, they will make their way to the Assault Bike and complete 20 cals. The Assault Bike must be reset in order for Athlete 2 to start pedaling.
Once complete, Athlete 2 will tag Athlete 3 (standing behind the Assault Bike) and either one will need to reset the Assault Bike. Once the Assault Bike is reset, Athlete 3 will begin pedaling and complete 20 Cals. Once completed, they will run down their lane and complete 10 Ground to OH. Once completed, they will run to the rig and complete 20 Chest to Bar Pull Ups. Once completed, Athlete 3 will run back to the Assault Bike and tag Athlete 2.
They will then make their way to the barbell and complete as many Synchronized Bar Facing Burpees as possible in the remaining time. Their score is the total amount of reps completed. Running to tag the teammates does count as 1 rep each. There are a total of 102 reps before the burpees begin.
Pull-Up/Chest to Bar Pull Up
This is a standard pull-up. Dead hang, kipping or butterfly pull-ups are allowed, as long as all the requirements are met. The arms must be fully extended at the bottom. At the top, the chin must break the horizontal plane of the bar.
This is a standard chest-to-bar pull-up. Any style of pull-up is permitted, as long as all the requirements are met. The arms must be fully extended at the bottom. At the top, the chest (any point below the clavicle) must clearly come into contact with the bar.
Ground to Overhead
Barbell starts on the ground. The lift finishes with the barbell over the head with hips extended and arms locked out holding barbell overhead. Feet are together and underneath hips. The athlete may complete a snatch or clean and press in any manner as well.
Bar-Facing Burpees/Synchronized Bar-Facing Burpees
Each burpee must be performed perpendicular to and facing the barbell. The athletes’ heads cannot be over the barbell. The pair must hold the bottom position together with their chests and thighs touching the ground. They must then jump over the barbell from both feet and land on two feet. One-footed jumping, landing or stepping over is not permitted.
Event 2: “Hells Bells”
For Time (13 Minute Timecap)
2 Separate Scores
60 BoomBell (American) Swings @72lbs (Score 1: Max Unbroken Reps by Athlete 1)
60 Double BoomBell Front Squats (53lbs + 35lbs)
60 Weighted Step Up and Over (35lbs to 24 Inch Box)
60 Single Arm BoomBell Hang Snatches (53lbs)
*All while 3 other objects are being held by team
(Total Time is Score 2)
Equipment Used:
72lb BoomBell by MadFitter
53lb BoomBell
35lb BoomBell
Rogue Ballistic Block (70lbs)
24 Inch Box
Description of Event
On 3,2,1 Go, the team will pick up 4 objects off the floor in order for any reps to count. Once all objects are picked up by the team, Athlete 1 will begin by completing as many unbroken reps as possible until he/she gives up. Score 1 is the number of reps they complete. Unbroken is defined as the athlete giving up by letting go of the BoomBell or giving it to a teammate, not a “no-rep”.
Once they give up, the team will complete the remaining reps of the 60 Swings. There is no order or minimum number of reps each athlete must complete. The judge will mark down the time it took to complete that for Score 1 and the clock will continue to run. The objects may be placed down once the team has finished the 60th rep.
The team will continue to work by completing 60 Double BoomBell Front Squats.There is no order or minimum number of reps each athlete must complete. Again, all objects must be held off the ground by the team for these reps to count. The objects may be placed down once the team has finished the 60th rep.
The team will continue to work by completing 60 Weighted Step Up and Overs while holding the 35lb Slam Ball.There is no order or minimum number of reps each athlete must complete. Again, all objects must be held off the ground by the team for these reps to count. The objects may be placed down once the team has finished the 60th rep.
The team will continue to work by completing 60 1-Arm BoomBell Snatches with the 53lb BoomBell.There is no order or minimum number of reps each athlete must complete. Athletes can use either/any hand as much as they would like. There is no minimum work requirement for either hand. Again, all objects must be held off the ground by the team for these reps to count.
“Objects” and the Penalty for Dropping An Object
The objects are BoomBells, Kettle Bells, 1 Slam Ball (35lbs), and 1 Rogue Ballistic Block. The objects must be held or supported by the team and all members of the team must be standing up. The objects cannot touch the ground, the box, or any other external object in order to rest the held objects. They can touch or rest on each other while the athlete is holding or supporting it. Please note that after 60 reps of each movement, the objects may be placed on the ground for rest but once an athlete starts the first of 60 reps, the objects must not hit the ground.
If any of the 4 objects touch the ground or an outside object during the 60 repetitions, the team will incur a penalty of 10 Box Jumps done by any athlete. All objects may be dropped while one athlete is completing their box jumps.
Teammates can hold the objects together as long as they are standing up. The team does not have to pick up the box as one of their objects. Teammates can help each other lift objects in order to hold them.
Score 2 will be the total time for the workout. Any unfinished reps will be added to the 13 Minute time cap.
American Swing
At the top of the swing, the kettlebell must be fully inverted (bell over the handle), centered over the feet with the hips and knees fully extended and the arms straight. At the bottom, the wrists must touch the thighs and the bell must pass behind the heels. There is no requirement for flexing the knees.
Double BoomBell Front Squat
The movement begins with both BoomBells held in each hand and resting on top of the arms with the athlete standing straight up with feet underneath fully extended hips. The athlete will squat below parallel and end with the athlete standing straight up in the beginning position.
Weighted Step Up and Over
The athlete will hold the BoomBell in any manner desired. They will step up on to the box, stand straight up, and then step down on the other side of the box. The BoomBell may not touch the box during the movement.
1-Arm BoomBell Snatch
At the top, the BoomBell must come to full lockout overhead with the hips, knees and working arm fully extended, and the kettlebell directly over the middle of the body. The BoomBell must “turn over” to rest on the back of the forearm and must pass below the hips at the beginning of each rep.
The first rep of a set may be taken directly overhead from the ground, but successive reps will be from the hang. The BoomBell must be controlled to the ground and set in an upright position before the athlete lets go of it. If an athlete drops the BoomBell before it has settled on the ground, the last repetition will not count.
Box Jump Over
Each rep begins with a two-footed jump. One-footed jumps and step-ups are not permitted. The athlete must land on top before jumping off to the other side. The athlete may not use their hands, and the feet must go over the box, not around it. The athlete does not have to stand straight up while on top of the box.
Each rep ends on the opposite side of the box from where it began. The next rep will begin from there and return to the first side. Stepping down from the box and single-foot landings are permitted.
EVENT 3: “Arms Race”
11 Minutes Total Time
SCORE 1: 2 Minutes Team Handstand Walk
<1 Minute Break>
SCORE 2: For Time- 8 Minutes
15 Snatches @85
15 Synchro Toes To Bar
10 Snatches @105
10 Synchro Bar Muscle Ups
5 Snatches @125
5 Synchro Bar/Ring Muscle Ups
3 Snatches @145
3 Free Standing HSPU’s
Run to Mat
The team will accumulate the max distance handstand walk in 2 minutes. 1 athlete will go at a time while the teammates are right behind. 1 rep is 10 feet. If the athletes fail during the 10 foot area, they or their teammate will start back from behind the line of the last completed. There is no order or minimum requirement for any athlete. This is scored as an AMRAP.
After a 1 minute break from Score 1, the teams will start behind the rig and move down to the lane toward their barbell. It will be loaded with the starting weight and there will be all necessary plates behind their station for future weight changes.
The team will complete 15 snatches with no order or minimum requirement for the teams. Teammates will just tag each other in and out, standing behind the station when waiting while the judge stands in front.
Once the 15 snatches are complete, the team will move to the rig and 2 athletes will perform 15 Synchronized Toes to Bar. No minimum requirement or order here required for the team.
Once they are complete, the team may then change/add the next plates for the 10 snatches. Only when they are completed with the Toes to Bar may they add/change the weights for the next set of snatches.
Once the 10 snatches are complete, the team will complete 10 Synchronized Bar Muscle Ups, on the same 6 foot section of the pullup rig. No minimum requirement or order here required for the team.
Once they are complete, the team may then change/add the next plates for the 5 snatches. Only when they are completed with the Bar Muscle Ups may they add/change the weights for the next set of snatches.
Once the 5 snatches are complete, the team will complete 5 Synchronized Bar/Ring Muscle Ups. In this movement, one athlete will perform Bar Muscle Ups and one will perform Ring Muscle Ups at the same time. No minimum requirement or order here required for the team.
Once they are complete, the team may then change/add the next plates for the 3 snatches. Only when they are completed with the Muscle Ups may they add/change the weights for the next set of snatches.
Once the 3 snatches are complete, the team will complete 3 Free Standing Handstand Push Ups underneath the rig on the soft matting.
Once they are complete, they will run down away from the start mat toward the crowd and end behind the line where time will be marked. Any remaining reps will be added toward the time cap of 8 minutes.
Handstand Walk
The athlete must start with their feet behind the start line and must stay within their lane as they travel forward. Each lane will be marked at 10-foot increments. If at any time the athlete comes down from their hands, they must restart from the last increment they crossed. Both hands must cross the 10-foot increment line to earn credit for that distance. Each 10-foot section will count as 1 rep.
The snatch begins on the ground, and the barbell is brought overhead in one smooth motion. The barbell must come to full lockout overhead with the hips, knees and arms fully extended, and the bar directly over the body. Touch-and-go is permitted. No bouncing. Split snatches and muscle snatches are permitted as long as they meet the movement requirements. Power or Squat Full Snatches are permissible.
Synchronized Toes-to-Bar
In the synchronized toes-to-bars, the athletes must go from a full hang to having the toes touch the pull-up bar at the same time. At the start of each rep, the arms must be fully extended and the feet must be off the ground and brought back behind the bar and behind the body. At the top, both pairs of feet must come into contact with the bar inside the hands and at the same time.
Synchronized Bar Muscle Ups
Each athlete must begin with, or pass through, a hang below the bar with arms fully extended and the feet off the ground. Kipping the muscle-up is acceptable, but pullovers, rolls to support or glide kips are not permitted. The heels may not rise above the height of the bar during the kip.
At the top, the elbows must be fully locked out while the athletes support themselves above the bar with the shoulders over or in front of the bar. Athletes must pass through some portion of a dip to lockout over the bar. Both athletes must hold the top position at the same time for the rep to count. Athletes may help each other to the pull-up bar.
Synchronized Bar/Ring Muscle Ups
One athlete will perform ring muscle ups while another performs bar muscle ups. At the top, the elbows must be fully locked out while the athletes support themselves above the bar/rings with the shoulders over or in front of the bar/rings. Athletes must pass through some portion of a dip to lockout over the bar. Both athletes must hold the top position at the same time for the rep to count. Athletes may help each other to the pull-up bar or the rings.
Free Standing Handstand Push-Up
The athlete will perform a Handstand Push Up without the use of a wall or object to support their body. The rep begins with the athlete fully locked out at the top showing control. They will lower themselves down and their head will touch the matting. The rep will end with the athlete’s arms fully locked out at top, showing control. For freestanding handstand pushups, athletes must keep only the head and hands within the designated area, measuring 36 x 24 inches.