DUALITY 2017 is being upgraded for the Rx athlete.
This year, the Rx athletes will show up on Friday, August 18th to the Shrine Pavilion at 5:30pm and we will take them through a series of events that will not be released until a few minutes before each one. These events will not be open to the public. This will be a good physical and mental test for Rx athletes as they will not know what events they will be asked to complete until just right before they compete.
They will be released later that evening to compete on Saturday the 19th during the normal times from morning until 5pm.
In the past, we have had the Co-Ed Rx teams compete in the evening but this year, we have all Rx teams competing on Friday night and Saturday.
Each 1st place winner will receive a Concept 2 Ski Erg plus other prizes from our sponsors. This is for Male/Male, Co-Ed, and Female/Female teams. We will announce all other prizes in July.
We wanted to give everyone as much lead time to plan, prepare, and choose their partner before registering on June 20th at 7pm.
More to come.