
All Divisions Can Expect The Following Movements Below


**Please note that this is not a guarantee that all of these movements will be in Duality 2018 but we want to prepare you for what may come. Synchro movements will be included for all divisions. We are not asking Super Scaled to do pullups, toes to bar, rope climbs, or higher skilled movements. Super Scaled will be asked to perform hanging knee raises.

Please know all weights will be do-able for all divisions and teams may be asked to find a max lift. We will not throw heavy weights at the Super Scaled and Scaled divisions. We will add more weight to the Intermediate, Masters, and Rx Divisions but once again, all weights will be fair.

More information will be released in July but please do not hesitate to ask any questions by emailing info@trinitycompetitions.com

Box Jumps, Kettlebell Swings, Carrying Odd Objects, Partner Med Ball Throws

Rowing, Weighted Box Step Overs, Running, Sled/Object Pulls With a Rope

Heavy Rope Swings, Single Unders, Bar Facing Burpees, Kettlebell Goblet Squats

Barbell Movements to Include: Deadlifts, Cleans, Snatches, Overhead Squats, Front Squats, Thrusters, Shoulder to Overhead


Scaled Can Also Expect:

LIMITED Pullups, Toes to Bar, and Rope Climbs

**Please note that “LIMITED” for these movements means under 20 reps for toes to bar/10 reps for pullups/4 reps for rope climbs OR we ask that you find a max number of reps/feet in a short period of time. We will not program these movements in where it prevents you from completing the majority of a workout. In years past, we have usually asked the athletes to complete max number at the beginning of a workout and then the teams move on to a separate workout. We will not ask the teams to do these “synchro”.


Intermediate and Masters 40+ Can Also Expect:

Rope Climbs, Chest to Bar/Regular Pullups, Toes to Bar, Double Unders.

LIMITED Ring Muscle Ups, Bar Muscle Ups, and Handstand Walking

**Please note that “LIMITED” for these movements means under 5 reps/20 feet OR we ask that you find a max number of reps/feet in a short period of time. We will not program these movements in where it prevents you from completing the majority of a workout. In years past, we have usually asked the athletes to complete max number at the beginning of a workout and then the teams move on to a separate workout. We will not ask the teams to do these “synchro”.

RX Can Also Expect:

Ring Muscle Ups, Bar Muscle Up, Seated Rope Climbs, Legless Rope Climbs, Handstand Walk