
Duality 2018



12 Over The Shoulder Throws
12 Over The Wall And Jump Overs
AMRAP Alternating Forward Lunges in Remaining Time

Males use 100lb D-Balls and a 48″ Box Wall
Females use 60lb D-Balls and a 48″ Box Wall

This is an individual and team score. Each athlete will complete this on their own and the team score is both athletes’ scores added together.

(The team will then move straight to the next event within a 3 minute break time)

Description of Event

On 3,2,1, Go, the athlete will begin their Over The Shoulder Throws with the D-Ball. They will complete these on the 6×4 stall mat.

Once completed, they will carry their D-Ball to the box wall and will touch the ball to the ground or drop it completely on the ground to begin the next movement.

They will pick up the D-Ball from the ground and throw it over the box wall. They will then jump over the box wall to the other side. They will repeat this for their specific number of repetitions designated for their division.

Once completed, they will pick up and carry the D-Ball to the next stall mat and complete as many alternating forward lunges in the remaining time.

The score is the amount of reps the athlete completed.

Please see the floor schematics and layout below as a reference point.




Over The Shoulder Throw

The athlete will pick up the ball from the ground and toss/throw/roll over either shoulder. The ball must go over the shoulder or the head, not to the side of the shoulder. The athlete must be standing the entire movement and must be standing straight up at the top of the movement.

Over The Wall And Jump Overs

The athlete will pick up the ball from the ground and toss/throw the roll over the 4 box wall to the opposite side. The ball may touch the top of the box wall and may be rolled from the top and dropped to the opposite side.

The athlete will then climb/jump over the wall using their hands to lift them up and over the wall. They will land on the opposite side of the box where the ball is resting. Both hands and hips must remain within the borders of the outside edges of the box wall while climbing over. Feet may pass over the outside edges of the border of the box wall. The athlete does not have to sit or land on the top of the box at the top.

Alternating Forward Lunges

The athlete will hold the ball on either shoulder or on the back of the neck while lunging forward on each leg, alternating legs each repetition. This is a standing lunge, not a walking lunge. The athlete will stand on the stall mat to complete these.

On each lunge, the trailing knee must make contact with the ground at the bottom. At the top of each step, the athlete must stand with the hips and knees fully extended. Athletes may not use their hands to assist them by touching their legs, knees, or the ground.


8 Minute Row for Max Calories

This event will begin 3 minutes after “Chewie” has been completed.

This is an individual and team score. Each athlete will complete this on their own and the team score is both athletes’ scores added together.

The setting of the rower is the responsibility of each athlete, not the judge. The judge will only mark your calories when completed.

To set the rower:

SET TO 8:00

This will ensure your rower is set to only count for 8 minutes. The monitor will show the final number of calories.

This is an individual and team score. Each athlete will complete this on their own and the team score is both athletes’ scores added together.



Solo + AMRAP Coed Masters Scorecard

SOLO + AMRAP Male Masters Scorecard

<2 Minutes>

This is an individual and a team score. Each athlete will have their own individual score. Both scores added together will be their team score.

Each Athlete will have 1 attempt to complete a max set of UNBROKEN Bar Muscle Ups.

Each athlete will get 1 minute to complete this. Once the athlete drops from the bar and lands on the ground, their score will be written down.

The first athlete will begin at 0:00 and will be forced to end at 1:00.

The second athlete will wait until the first minute is up to attempt their set. They will start when the clock shows 1:00 and be forced to end when the clock shows 2:00.

There will be a 1 minute break until Part II.

<1 Minute Break>


<13 Minutes>

This is a Team Score Only


On 3,2,1, Go, the teams will complete the above work in the order it is written.

(RX ONLY) It does not matter which athlete starts first on the legless or traditional rope climbs as long as the athletes alternate on the traditional rope climbs (RX, INT, SCALED, and MASTERS). One athlete may do both seated legless climbs (RX).


Please see above and attached diagram of the floor.

The athletes will then complete their synchronized toes to bar. Once they complete, they will begin their partner alternating wall balls. They will have a circular 10’ target to hit and will be standing side by side. Please note that the target may move/wobble slightly and all athletes should prepare for this.

The number of wall balls listed is the TOTAL amount of wall balls, not the number each athlete must do.

Once they complete their wall balls, they will begin their bear crawl by standing underneath the rig, each athlete with both feet behind the rig post. They will then place their hands in front of them on the other side of the rig posts and begin their bear crawl.

Their bear crawl will be complete once both athletes have both hands clearly on the other side of the tape at the end of the lane.

Once the bear crawl is completed, the athletes will both complete their partner over burpees. The first athlete will complete their designated number and then their partner will complete all of their designated number. No switching out before all burpees are completed.

Both athletes will then bear crawl backwards until their feet are both inside the rig where they started their initial bear crawl.

The athletes will then complete their synchronized chest to bar/traditional pullups and then the wall balls. They will then repeat the bear crawl/burpee movements.

Once they are done, the teams will complete the synchronized bar muscle ups/chest to bar pullups.

Once completed, they will perform the bear crawl and then finish with as many partner over burpees as possible, doing 5 at a time each. They will do this until time runs out.

The score will be the total reps completed in the workout.


Bar Muscle-Ups/Synchronized Bar Muscle Ups

Each athlete must begin with, or pass through, a hang below the bar with arms fully extended and the feet off the ground. Kipping the muscle-up is acceptable, but pullovers, rolls to support or glidekips are not permitted. The heels may not rise above the height of the bar during the kip.

At the top, the elbows must be fully locked out while the athletes support themselves above the bar with the shoulders over or in front of the bar. Athletes must pass through some portion of a dip to lockout over the bar. Both athletes must hold the top position at the same time for the rep to count. Athletes may help each other to the pull-up bar.

Seated Legless/Traditional Rope Climb

In the seated legless rope climb, the athlete starts seated on the ground and ascends the rope to touch the cross beam at the top. The athlete may not use their legs or feet to assist them climbing up the rope nor may they touch the ground or the rig. On the descent, the athlete does not have to show control but it is highly recommended to be under control here. The athlete may use their legs/feet to assist them on the way down. The athlete does not have to maintain the L-Sit position throughout the climb.

In the traditional rope climb, the athlete ascends the rope to touch the cross beam at the top. Jumping up to begin each ascent is permitted. On the descent, the athlete does not have to show control but it is highly recommended to be under control here.

Synchronized Pull-Up/Chest-to-bar Pull-up

Dead hang, kipping or butterfly pull-ups are allowed, as long as all the requirements are met. Both athletes’ arms must be fully extended at the bottom.

At the top, both athletes’ chests must clearly come into contact with the bar at the same time. At the top, both athletes’ chins must clearly break the horizontal plane of the bar at the same time. If one athlete does not touch their chest or their chests don’t touch at the same time, that is a no rep.

Synchronized Toes-to-Bars

In the synchronized toes-to-bars, the athletes must go from a full hang to having the toes touch the pull-up bar at the same time. At the start of each rep, the arms must be fully extended and the feet must be off the ground and brought back behind the bar and behind the body. At the top, both pairs of feet must come into contact with the bar inside the hands and at the same time.

Synchronized Hanging Knee Raises

The arms and hips must be fully extended at the bottom and the feet must be brought back behind the rig post and behind the body. At the top of the repetition the athletes must raise their knees above the height of their hips. Both athletes must have their knees raised at the top of the movement at the same time, not at the bottom.

Partner Wall Ball

In the wall ball shots, the medicine ball must be taken from the bottom of a squat, hip crease below knee, and thrown to hit the circular 10-foot target. The ball must hit the face of the target. If the ball does not hit the target, or hits the bottom edge of the target, it is a no-rep. If the ball is not caught between reps, it must come to a full stop on the ground before beginning the next rep. Catching the ball bouncing off the floor is not permitted.

Partners will stand side by side and use the same medicine ball. If an athlete gets no repped, that athlete must complete that specific rep. Their partner may not complete that failed rep. Basically, each athlete MUST DO half of the wall ball reps in an alternating fashion.

Forward/Backward Bear Crawl

Both athletes will start with their feet inside the rig and place their hands on the ground outside of the rig. The will walk side by side on their hands and feet only forward until both athletes’ hands are across the designated line. Athletes will not touch their knees or thighs to the ground. They will not use their forearms, arms, or elbows. If either athlete does this, they will be no-repped and must both start over from the beginning by walking back underneath the rig.

For the backward bear crawl, they will start with their hands across the tape line and bear crawl backwards until both feet are on the mat inside the rig.

*This is not a synchronized event but both partners must be side by side, with neither partner getting a few feet in front of the other. Just don’t leave your partner behind and make it easy for the judge to watch you both.

Partner Over Burpees (Lateral Jump)

One athlete will lay down completely flat on their stomach only. Their arms may be at their side or straight overhead. Their feet will point toward the rig and their head will point away from the rig.

The athlete performing burpees will start the first rep in the standing position on one side of their partner, standing straight up. They will hold the bottom position with their chests and thighs touching the ground. They must then jump over their partner laterally starting with both feet and landing with both feet at the same time. One-footed jumping, landing, or stepping over is not permitted.

The athlete jumping must jump over the athlete laying down. They may not jump below their feet or above their head.

The burpee movement ends with the athlete landing on both feet. The athlete DOES NOT HAVE TO fully extend or stand straight up between each burpee nor do they have stand straight up for the last burpee. They just need to land on both feet.

If an athlete gets no repped for the jump or the landing, they must go back to the side they jumped from and jump/land with 2 feet.They do not have to get back down in the lying position.



Each athlete will attempt a max lift of the following complex:

3 Cleans (any way)
2 Front Squats
1 Shoulder to Overhead

This is a touch and go complex. The barbell cannot be rested on the ground, only tapped while doing the cleans.

Each athlete’s best lift will be their individual score. The combined lifts will be their team score.




Each Athlete completes 60 Double Unders

Then each athlete completes

10 Hang Snatch
10 Snatch

10 OH Squats


Then each athlete completes

10 Hang Clean
10 Clean
10 Thrusters


Then each athlete completes

15 Deadlifts
15 Backsquats

Then each athlete completes 60 Double Unders

Then the team goes in reverse order from the Deadlifts/Backsquats back to the Cleans/Thrusters to the Snatch/OH Squats back to the Double Unders. They will continue this back and forth until the 12 minutes is complete.

If the team gets back to the Double Unders at the top, they will then start back down the workout with the snatches.

Simplistically, it would look like this:


The score is the total reps completed in the 12 minutes. Once an athlete begins their complex, they must complete it before the next athlete may go. Both athletes MUST complete all of their reps of each set of movements in the order listed above.



2 Pairs of Clips At Each Station

WEIGHTS: 3 Pairs: 45’s and 10’s, 2 Pairs: 25’s, 5’s, and 2.5’s at each station

Males must use male barbells, females must use female barbells. Clips must be used at all times on barbells. Loading schedule MUST BE FOLLOWED.





Below is the space the athletes will work in. The station is 12 feet wide and 10 feet deep. All movements including the Double/Single Unders will be completed in this space. Athletes are responsible for moving barbells out of the way as well as ensuring the equipment does not move outside of the boundaries.

All unused bumper plates MUST be placed in either/both of the 20″x20″ spaces in the corners during the workout. The plates can touch the tape lines but not be placed outside of them. All boundaries will be clearly marked by tape for the judge/athlete to see.

Please note that reps WILL NOT COUNT if any of the equipment is outside of the tape lines.

Please click on the PDF below to see the dimensions.




Barbells may be loaded before the time starts. The first athlete only must declare their starting weight to the judge before the event begins for verification.

The team will have 3 total minutes for both athletes to establish a maximal weight of the above complex. The complex must be unbroken, meaning the athlete may not rest the barbell on the ground at any time during the complex. The athlete may pause with the barbell as long as they want while holding it off the ground and not touching any foreign objects or resting plates on any body part. Cleans must be touch and go and can be Power, Split, or Full Squat Cleans. Clips must be used at all times. Males must use male bars. Females must use female bars.

Once one athlete begins, they must establish a successful complex before their partner goes. Athletes MAY NOT decrease weight once they begin but can increase weight after a successful lift. It is up to the team to determine the order of athletes. Once the first athlete lets the judge know they are done and their score is notated, their partner may begin. The first athlete may not attempt another rep once they hand off their turn to their partner.

There are 2 scores for this event. One individual score for each athlete and a team score where both weights are added together.


Each repetition starts from the ground. The bar must be cleaned from the ground to the shoulders in one motion. Each repetition finishes with the bar racked on the shoulders and the elbows clearly in front of the bar with the hips and knees fully extended.

The clean can be a power clean, split clean, or full squat clean as long as they meet the movement standards.

Front Squat

In the front squat, the barbell must be held in the front rack position, elbows in front of the barbell. At the bottom, the crease of the hips must pass below the height of the kneecap. At the top, the knees and hips must be completely open with the barbell in control.

Shoulder To Overhead

Each rep begins with the barbell on the shoulders. The rep finishes with the weight fully locked out overhead centered over the middle of the body. A shoulder press, push press, push jerk or split jerk may be used, as long as the elbow, shoulder, hips and knees are fully extended, and the bar finishes directly over the body with the feet in line.


On 3,2,1, Go, the first athlete will complete 60 Double Unders. (Rx, Intermediate, and Masters 40+).

All others divisions will complete 30 Singles.

The athletes will tag each other by slapping hands together and then the next athlete will complete their doubles/singles.

Both athletes will then complete the snatches and OH squat in the order it is written. One athlete will complete them and then the next athlete will complete them. The athletes will tag each other to switch.

The team will then add weights based on the official weight chart. For Co-Ed teams, one athlete may change/adjust weights while their partner is working. The athlete who is changing weights must do so one one side of the middle line where the bumper plates are located. The athlete who is performing the barbell movements must complete their work on the other side of the line. The judge will stand on the side closest to the athlete performing the barbell movement.

Both athletes will then complete the Cleans and Thrusters in the order that it is written. One athlete will complete them and then the next athlete will complete them. The athletes will tag each other to switch.

The team will then add weights based on the official weight chart in the same manner as above.

Both athletes will then complete the Deadlifts and Back Squats in the order that it is written. One athlete will complete them and then the next athlete will complete them. The athletes will tag each other to switch.

The athletes will then complete their Double/Single Unders each, tagging to switch. Once completed, the team will start with the Deadlifts and Back Squats using the same rules as above. They will then complete the cleans and Thrusters and then the Snatches and OH Squats.

This event is an AMRAP and the score is the total amount of reps completed by the team. If an athlete fails to complete their portion of the reps, the team MAY NOT have the other athlete complete the reps for them. Clips must be used at all times for all lifts.

Double Under

This is the standard double-under in which the rope passes under the feet twice for each jump. The rope must spin forward for the rep to count.

Single Under (only for Kids/Scaled/Super Scaled)

This is the standard single under in which the rope passes under the feet once for each jump. The rope must spin forward for the rep to count.

Hang Snatch

The barbell starts from the ground with the athlete standing over it, not touching the bar. The athlete will grab the bar off the ground and deadlift the bar to the hang position, fully locked out. The barbell is brought overhead in one smooth motion. The barbell must come to full lockout overhead with the hips, knees and arms fully extended, and the bar directly over the body. If the athlete drops the barbell without finishing the rep scheme, each hang snatch must start with the bar in the hang position as stated above. At the bottom, the barbell must not pass below the knee.

The snatch can be a hang power snatch, hang split snatch, or a hang full squat snatch as long as they meet the movement standards.


The barbell starts from the ground with the athlete standing over it, The barbell is brought overhead in one smooth motion. The barbell must come to full lockout overhead with the hips, knees and arms fully extended, and the bar directly over the body.

The snatch can be a power snatch, split snatch, or a full squat snatch as long as they meet the movement standards. Touch-and-go is permitted. No deliberate bouncing.

Overhead Squat

At the bottom, the hip crease must be below the top of the knee. At the top, the barbell must come to full lockout overhead with the hips, knees and arms fully extended, and the bar directly over the middle of the body. Athletes may get the barbell overhead any way they choose. A full squat snatch is permitted, but not required, to start the movement if standard depth is achieved.

Hang Clean

Each repetition starts from the hang, arms fully locked out with the athlete standing straight up. The bar must be cleaned from the hang to the shoulders in one motion. Each repetition finishes with the bar racked on the shoulders and the elbows clearly in front of the bar with the hips and knees fully extended. If the athlete drops the barbell without finishing the rep scheme, each hang clean must start with the bar in the hang position as stated above. At the bottom, the barbell must not pass below the knee.

The clean can be a hang power clean, hang split clean, or a hang full squat clean as long as they meet the movement standards.


This is a standard barbell thruster in which the barbell moves from the bottom of a front squat to full lockout overhead. The hip crease must pass below the knees. A full squat clean into the thruster is allowed if the bar is on the ground.

At the top, the barbell must come to full lockout overhead with the hips, knees and arms fully extended, and the bar directly over the body. A full squat clean is permitted, but not required, to start the movement if standard depth is achieved.


This is a traditional deadlift with the hands outside the knees. Sumo deadlifts are not allowed. Starting at the floor, the barbell is lifted until hips and knees reach full extension with the shoulders behind the bar. The arms must be straight throughout. The athlete must deadlift with both feet on the correct white numbers in order for the reps to count.

Deliberate bouncing of the barbell is not allowed. Dropping the barbell after the completion of the repetition is permitted. Hitching is permitted, as long as full extension of the knees and hips is eventually reached.

Back Squat

In the back squat, the barbell must be held behind the neck on the athlete’s shoulders or back. At the bottom, the crease of the hips must pass below the height of the kneecap. At the top, the knees and hips must be completely open with the barbell in control.

The athlete may get the bar to the back rack any way they would like. Their teammate may not help them nor can they use any equipment to assist.